Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Recharge and Refresh: Take Advantage of Your Downtime

Typically around this time of year, business can be slow.  This downtime can be a good time to get things done around the office and check off tasks on your to-do list.  According to an article by Entrepreneur, Colin Sprake, motivational business speaker and author of the upcoming book, The Entrepreneur Success Recipe (Morgan James Publishing, 2013), has 6 ways to make good use of your holiday downtime:

1. Reflect and review the past year.  Take some time to think back on the year and review strategies such as marketing and sales.  Be sure to ask yourself, what worked? What didn’t?

2. Create a New Year’s resolution for your business.  These can be small or big goals, but keep them handy so you can evaluate their progress in a few months.

3. Invest in yourself.  Are there any courses you’ve been meaning to take or business books you wanted to read?  Use this time to catch up.

4. Don’t be afraid to take time off.  You need to recharge too. Take a break and come back in the New Year refreshed.  

5. Take care of yourself.  Use this free time to schedule any doctor appointments that may be overdue, or clean up your yard.

6. Be sure to thank those who support you. You often thank your clients for their business, but do you thank the people in your life who support you and your business endeavors? Don’t forget about your family and close friends.  

To read more, visit

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